于 昕


       2002~2008年于南开大学生命科学学院先后获得动物学硕士和博士学位,2011年9月于南开大学环境科学与工程学院环境生物学专业博士后出站,随即留在南开大学生命科学学院任教,2015年晋升副研究员, 2017年9月作为按教授待遇引进人才到重庆师范大学生命科学学院任教, 2019年至2020年到西班牙比戈大学Adolfo Cordero Rivera教授的ECOEVO实验室访学一年。已经发表学术论文50余篇,主持完成包括国家自然科学基金、《动物志》等国家级及省部级项目4项,参加10余项,参编专著及教材10余部, 是国际蜻蜓学会WDA会员,国际期刊Odonatologica、Zoological Systematics编委,为国内外10余个期刊审稿。努力打造中国最优秀的蜻蜓学研究团队,本团队以蜻蜓目昆虫为主要研究模式,研究方向包括分类学、系统发育、谱系地理学、种群生态学、进化行为学、水环境监测与评价、文化昆虫学等。 目前已先后指导毕业或在学研究生10余名、本科生20余名。



  • 曾征, 陈雪伊, 于昕*, 2022. 黄蟌属(蜻蜓目: 均翅亚目)稚虫形态分类特征稳定性研究. 水生生物学报, 46, 1-9.
  • Iago Sanmartín-Villar, Xin Yu, and Adolfo Cordero-Rivera, 2022. Direct and cross-generational effects of reproduction on fitness and behavioural variability in male-biased environments. Current Zoology, XX, 1-15. doi/10.1093/cz/zoac045/6604350
  • Xin Yu*, Linyan Li & Haijun Gu, 2022. Ophiogomphus tibeticus sp. nov. from Sichuan, China. Zootaxa 5213 (5): 569–577. https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.5213.5.5
  • Yu, X., Chen, X. Y. and Zhang, M. 2021. A Preliminary Guide of Taxonomy of Odonata. Bio-101 e1010677. Doi: 10.21769/BioProtoc. 1010677. (in Chinese)下载
  • 彭明杰, 唐万梅, 皮家甜, 于昕, 吴至友, 黄芳婷, 2021. 改进的基于端到端学习的蜻蜓目昆虫识别算法. 重庆师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2021, 38(03), 94. doi:10.11721/cqnuj20210307下载
  • Xin Yu & Matti H?m?l?inen, 2021. Longinos Navás’s Odonata species from China: Notes on three synonymies in Platycnemididae, including the synonymy of Pseudocopera tokyoensis (Asahina, 1948). Odonatologica 50(1/2), 115-129, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.4746252
  • Zhang H, Ning X, Yu X*, Bu W-J. 2021. Integrative species delimitation based on COI, ITS, and morphological evidence illustrates a unique evolutionary history of the genus Paracercion (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). PeerJ 9:e11459, DOI 10.7717/peerj.11459下载
  • Xin Yu, 2021. A survey of Odonata diversity in Zoige wetland, Sichuan Province, China. IDF-Report 158, 1-22.下载
  • Xin Yu* & Junli Xue, 2020. A review of the damselfly genus Megalestes Selys, 1862 (Insecta: Odonata: Zygoptera: Synlestidae) using integrative taxonomic methods. Zootaxa, 4851 (2), 245-270, https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4851.2.2下载
  • Xueyi Chen & Xin Yu*, 2020. A description of the final stadium larva of Calicnemia gulinensis Yu & Bu, 2008 (Odonata: Platycnemididae), International Journal of Odonatology, 23(2), 191-197, DOI: 10.1080/13887890.2020.1760949下载
  • Yao Ji & Xin Yu*, 2019. Molecular test shows the color pattern is not so reliable in diagnostic of genus Dysphaea Selys (Odonata: Euphaeidae). Zoological Systematics, 44(2): 91-99.下载
  • Junli Xue, Haiguang Zhang, Xin Ning, Wenjun Bu, Xin Yu*, 2019. Evolutionary history of a beautiful damselfly, Matrona basilaris, revealed by phylogeographic analyses: the first study of an odonate species in mainland China. Heredity, 122, 570-581,https://doi.org/10.1038/s41437-018-0158-y下载
  • 宁馨,程铖,于昕*,卜文俊,2019. 黄纹长腹扇蟌胸部色斑变异研究[J].环境昆虫学报, 41 ( 3) : 566 - 573.下载
  • Xin Yu, Min Zhang & Xin Ning, 2019. A study of Coeliccia cyanomelas Ris, 1912 (Odonata: Platycnemididiae). International Journal of Odonatology, 22(3-4), 155-165. https://doi.org/10.1080/13887890.2019.1641853下载
  • Runxi Wang, Xin Yu*, Junli Xue & Xin Ning, 2017. Descriptions of larvae of Vestalaria venusta (Hamalainen, 2004) and Matrona basilaris Selys, 1853 (Odonata: Calopterygidae). Zootaxa, 4306 (4), 580-592, https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4306.4.8下载
  • Junli Xue, Xin Yu*, Haiguang Zhang, Xin Chen & Wenjun Bu, 2017. Population genetics and ecological niche modeling shed light on conservation of the island endemic damselfly Pseudolestes mirabilis (Odonata, Pseudolestidae). Hydrobiologia, 790:273–286 [doi 10.1007/s10750-016-3038-6].下载
  • Xin Yu, 2016. A description of the larva of Mesopodagrion tibetanum australe (Odonata: “Megapodagrionidae”), International Journal of Odonatology, 19:4, 275-282 [doi: 10.1080/13887890.2016.1259663].下载
  • Xin Ning, Tom Kompier, Xin Yu* & Wenjun Bu, 2016. Paracercion ambiguum sp. nov. from Lang Son, Vietnam (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae). Zootaxa, 4144 (2), 263-275. http://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4144.2.8.下载
  • Xin Yu, 2015. First record of Ceriagrion fallax Ris (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) preying on small web-building spiders (Arachnida: Tetragnathidae). International Journal of Odonatology, 18(2), 153-156.下载
  • Xin Yu*, Junli Xue, Matti Hamalainen, Yang Liu and Wenjun Bu*, 2015. A revised classification of the genus Matrona Selys, 1853 using molecular and morphological methods (Odonata: Calopterygidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 174, 473-486.下载
  • XinYu & Wenjun Bu, 2014. Notes on the retractabilty of gill tufts in Pseudolestes mirabilis (Zygoptera: Pseudolestidae). International Journal of Odonatology, 17, Nos. 2-3, 123-126.下载
  • Gengping Zhu*, Xin Yu* and Wenjun Bu, 2014. Ecology and conservation of Pseudolestes mirabilis (Odonata: Zygoptera), a damselfly endemic to Hainan Island of China. Entomological Science, doi:10.1111/ens.12091.下载
  • Jin Chen & Xin Yu*, 2013. Odonata diversity of the middle and lower reaches of the Red River basin, Yunnan, China. Journal of Insect Biodiversity 1(9), 1-11.下载
  • Xin Yu* & Jin Chen, 2013. Calicnemia soccifera sp. nov. from Yunnan, China (Zygoptera: Platycnemididae). International Journal of Odonatology, 16(2), 183-188. (doi: 10.1080/13887890.2013.796275)下载
  • 于昕,卜文俊,朱琳*,2012. 应用蜻蜓目昆虫进行生态环境评价的研究进展. 生态学杂志 31 (6): 1585-1590. 下载
  • Xin Yu & Matti Hamalainen, 2012. A description of Echo perornata spec. nov. from Xizang (Tibet), China (Odonata: Calopterygidae). Zootaxa, 3218: 40-46. 下载
  • Xin YU & Wenjun BU, 2011. A description of the remarkable larva of Pseudolestes mirabilis Kirby (Odonata: Pseudolestidae). International Journal of Odonatology, 14(2): 105-110. [doi: 10.1080/13887890.2011.592486]. 下载
  • Matti Hamalainen, Xin Yu & Haomiao Zhang, 2011. Descriptions of Matrona oreades spec. nov. and Matrona corephaea spec. nov. from China (Odonata: Calopterygidae). Zootaxa, 2830: 20–28. 下载
  • Xin YU & Wenjun BU, 2011. Chinese damselflies of the genus Coenagrion (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae). Zootaxa, 2808: 31-40. 下载
  • Xin YU & Wenjun BU, 2011. A preliminary phylogenetic study of Megapodagrionidae with focus on the Chinese genera Sinocnemis Wilson & Zhou and Priscagrion Zhou & Wilson (Odonata: Zygptera). Hydrobiologia, 665: 195-203 [doi: 10.1007/s10750-011-0622-7]. 下载
  • Xin YU & Wenjun BU, 2009. Description of two new damselflies, Protosticta zhengi and Sinosticta sylvatica, from China (Odonata: Zygoptera: Platystictidae). Zootaxa, 2245: 54-58. 下载
  • Xin YU & Wenjun BU, 2009. A Revision of Mesopodagrion McLachlan, 1896 (Odonata: Zygoptera: Megapodagrionidae). Zootaxa, 2202: 59-68. 下载
  • Xin YU & Wenjun BU, 2008. A study on the genus Calicnemia Strand in China, with the descriptions of two new species (Zygoptera: Platycnemididae). Odonatologica, 37(3), 247-255.
  • Xin YU, 2008. Ovipositing of Ischnura aurora. ECHO, 5: 2.
  • Xin YU & Wenjun BU, 2007. Two new species of Coenagrion Kirby, 1890, from China (Odonata: Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae). Zootaxa, 1664: 55-59. 下载
  • 于昕,杨国辉, 卜文俊,2007. 中国红蟌属Pyrrhosoma Charpentier研究及一新种描述(蜻蜓目,蟌科). 动物分类学报 33 (2): 358-362. 下载
  • 于昕,卜文俊, 2006. 天津地区蜻蜓研究. 南开大学学报(自然科学版) 39(4): 83-90. 下载